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About EDI-USA®

Amazing products trusted by thousands of men and women around the world. EDI-USA does business differently.


Founded in Pennsylvania, USA to manufacture anti-riot suits and ballistic helmets for local police forces, EDI-USA has grown to manufacture over 3,700 law enforcement & tactical products. EDI’s staff works daily to create, design, and produce tactical gear to help law enforcement & military personnel succeed.

We provide our equipment to police & sheriff departments around the United States, individual police and law enforcement officers and to federal military and government agencies via quotes and our GSA schedule contract, and also to other users such as university / campus police departments, news / PRESS outlets, private security companies and EMS / EMT first responders. We export to over 45+ countries. If you need riot gear or ballistic items, we’ve got you covered! Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Are you a federal agency or reseller looking for TAA-compliant body armor or TAA-compliant riot gear? Please contact us and we can help!


Our heart is riot gear and body armor. Over the years, we have perfected the design of crowd control equipment and have manufactured some of the world’s strongest riot shields, riot helmets, riot suits and tactical batons. Eventually moving into body armor, EDI-USA manufactures ballistic helmets, bullet-resistant vests and ballistic shields as well as other duty gear including handcuffs & restraints and tactical accessories. All of our items are constantly being updated to adapt to today’s surroundings, and we actively seek suggestions and product comments from the users we serve.

Need to RENT RIOT GEAR or RENT BULLET RESISTANT HELMETS / VESTS for a short-term event or project? Please contact us, and we can help!


International customers comprise more than 50% of our business. Our huge international presence stretches far and wide from shipping to our neighbors in Canada and Mexico, all the way across the world to South America and Asia. Wherever you are, we will make sure you get what you need. Please contact us or visit our Spanish Page (Español) for any international inquiries and we will reply within 24 hours.


In an industry where people’s lives depend on the items we provide, EDI-USA takes quality very seriously. We have set ourselves apart with our strict EDI-USA Quality-Pro Program, which ensures quality from the inside-out. On a regular basis, we send our products to laboratories for independent testing, as well as maintain ISO 9001:2015 certification. We trust you to protect us, so why shouldn’t you trust us to protect you?


“Over the course of my time at EDI-USA, no single order is ever the same in our office”

– Will Parker, EDI Senior Engineer, 8 years with EDI.

EDI works closely with end users to customize items based on their specific requirements. Whether this is writing custom wording on the fronts of riot shields, or inscribing customized agency logos on ballistic helmets, EDI always takes the extra step to communicate with customers to make sure they are overly-satisfied with the items they receive.

We Trust You To Protect Us,

So Why Shouldn't You Trust Us To Protect You?