Designed for corrections and prison operations, ExecDefense’s EDI-USA capture anti-riot shield is a convex-shaped shield, designed with the curved ends pointing outwards to subdue combatants against a wall or barrier.

Manufactured with strong polycarbonate with a 95% light transmittance rate, this convex riot shield is designed with thickness ranging from 0.16” – 0.24” to help subdue the most violent of combatants. The convex riot shield will also help prevent non-ballistic handheld anti-riot threats and can easily be moved up, down, or around to adjust to the direction where threats may be thrown from.

Size: 47” x 23.5”

Custom sizes also available.

The user-facing side (back side) of this capture convex shield features a strong 2-handle system for a secure hold during use.

Customized inscriptions available for front side.
