Be Prepared! Make Sure Your Department is Ready for Unrest with EDI-USA Riot Gear
With civil unrest on the rise over the last decade, law enforcement agencies across the country, and at all levels, are expecting more civil disturbance and public safety challenges in the coming months. LEOs and other first responders nationwide need, once again, to be prepared for anything.
No matter where the unrest comes from, EDI-USA has you covered.
Be prepared for a possible breach of police barriers—or for crowd control situations in the open streets—with interlocking shields. Make sure your EOD squad is adequately supplied with our top-notch suppression blankets and suits.
Ensure your men, women, and K9s have adequate bodily protection too, with EDI-USA anti-riot gear. With a wide selection of ballistic helmets and vests, we’re here to help keep your officers safe. We also carry anti-laser strips for helmets and visors, as well as anti-laser riot shields to protect officers’ eyes.
When maintaining law and order in today’s environment, you don’t want to be caught unequipped. Don’t leave your officers without helmets, face shields or gas masks to protect them from blunt force and aerosolized sprays. Check the condition of your helmets’ suspension and padding systems: a loose fit can cause poor visibility for officers. Don’t wait until trouble strikes to order replacement gear!
Our wide array of anti-riot and ballistic helmets come in many sizes, with adjustable strap or ratchet options to ensure a snug fit. Removable interior padding can be replaced as needed to ensure maximum protection and proper visibility.
Contact us and speak with one of our tactical gear specialists to discuss what gear would fit your team’s needs best, and to get quotes and samples. Looking for riot gear fast? ExecDefense USA has you covered!